Wednesday, February 1, 2012


(the sweet spot where everything starts coming together)

I love the middle. I love that time when you've worked past getting started and the door is open for ideas, images and bits of this and that collected over weeks and years to find their way to each other and take on new life together. It's the point at which what you want to say or share rises to the surface slowly and quietly and greets you with an unmistakable familiarity. Yeah, I love that part.


Kim Hambric said...

Yes! And things flow from one piece to another. Your mind flows faster than your hand can keep up. Then, when you are 90% done, the freeze comes in and you get nowhere for the longest time. At least that's the way it works with me. Enjoy!!

tangled sky studio said...

sounds familiar but that's tomorrow's post "end".

Leililaloo said...

hi dear friend :))