Hi there. I wanted to share the very beginnings of a little bit larger painting I started over the weekend. Overall the piece will measure 12.5"x22.5" but it is made up of four 12.5"x5.5" maple boards. I started by painting the background with a waxed pigment stick and giving it a day to dry enough to start laying on paper elements and getting a feel for what the piece will become. The next step will be to add a layer of wax, more paper, more paint, who knows....I'm excited to see where working on this scale takes me. Given the size of my studio and the nature of working with hot wax, necessity really was the mother of invention here. I've tried to create larger pieces just using paint and a canvas but have never been satisfied with the results. I feel so drawn to the lush beauty and depth of using wax that it has become central to my creative process (if that makes any sense). Anyways, I'll be sharing more as this piece progresses and of course I have a few small blocks in the works so I'll see you back here soon.
Wishing you a lovely and creative Wednesday :)
beth, thanks for the juju thoughts :)
often feel the need/urge for large scale ~ the more abstract the idea then better suited to it i think.
have fun xx
Ooh, excited to see a larger piece! You make me wish I could learn encaustics too. Someday...
Looking forward to seeing your larger pieces too! And thanks for the comment you left on the school art project. Kids' artwork is so inspiring to me.
Oh, by the way, have you been to Fraiche bakery on Noyes?? So good! I've only gotten pastries there and they were delicious.
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