Friday, April 9, 2010

still painting houses...

Yep. Here are two new pieces in the works and once again houses are involved.  Houses are so fascinating to me and I just can't seem to get them out of my head or my work.  I mean, I'm not really trying to get rid of them as there is still so much more to explore about my relationship with wherever I happen to be living and my connection to ideas and memories and dreams of "home".   Being at home with children and working from home is the best gig ever but it opens up all sorts of questions which I guess I'll continue to sort through one house at a time...thanks for reading.

ps:  i'm adding two older (much loved) pieces to my etsy shop.....


Kathryn Dyche said...

Beautiful and thanks for sharing your thoughts, for me a house definitely represents comfort, a safe haven, a place to be myself. :0)

tangled sky studio said...

i usually have that kind of relationship with my house but every once in a while i feel the need to stretch beyond it's walls....

the nest said...

hi beth! love those, of course...!

are those bottle caps in that house w/the crow perched on top? it looks cool.

happy weekend!

rachel awes said...

i love both of these! houses DO speak to such a deep place in us, & there's something comforting about seeing them present themselves in art. we need them & thank you for tending to that in us!
(beautifully, i would add!). xo

Art and Clasp said...

Those look wonderful. You don't always think about it when you're in them, but houses are witnesses to so many of the moments that make up our lives, it's a very interesting relationship!

Kim Hambric said...

I've made and drawn houses ever since I could pick up a pencil for could glue macaroni to construction paper. I'm sure I'll be obsessed with them forever. I love seeing your interpretations of houses and one's relationship to houses. These two pieces are wonderful.

Amber Dusick said...

I love houses. I've been obsessed with houses in art for a couple years now. I'm dying every time I see your work because I want one so badly but have to wait until I'm selling again and my Paypal isn't zero. Hopefully when I can purchase one you'll still have some house work available.

Liv @ Choosing Beauty said...

Those are in amazing. I feel like my house is such an extension of who I am. Which is sort of scary when it's a crazy mess (which is often)!

Leililaloo said...


pixie said...

Beautiful! I love the one of two people carrying the home with a slight rainbow beneath. That is what finding a home to call one's own can feel like. I'm on the search now, to leave the polluted skies of my youth behind, seeking health and quaint and simplicity. I'm coveting this piece!

I think of the house as the dream representation of the self. Do you? LOVE LOVE it here...

lillalotta said...

This is so very captivating and beautiful.

Bridgette Guerzon Mills said...

love these beth! drawn to the surreal quality of both of these paintings.
hope all is well! are you all still headed back to chicago this summer?