Thursday, July 26, 2012

random thoughts & secret wishes...

Wishful Thinking :: She dreamt secret wishes for friends near and far...

Well, hello there.  This past week has been full of wishful thinking, random thoughts which lead down unknown paths and secret wishes for friends in need of some magic.  The house has been much too quiet with my big girl away but I know she is having a fabulous time meeting new people, trying new things and writing, writing, writing the days away.  Watson is making slow and steady progress but he requires lots of patience which is something I am not known for (ahem).  In fact, I've started to think of the sweet little guy as a Zen Master sent here to teach me what I have been lacking for far too long. Being in the here and now, focusing on trust and acceptance and acting with patience and kindness is what he needs and what I am learning to give. It's amazing how little things set big wheels in motion. What's been filling up your mind lately?


Anonymous said...

good luck with Watson. I'm sure he'll be great soon. I love today's hedgehog--very cool!

Jennifer Richardson said...

captivated by your hedgehog
and that cooling night sky:)
happy writing to you,

tangled sky studio said...

thanks : )