Friday, June 15, 2012

a quiet moment-

Hello there and happy Friday.  I just came in from a quiet hour in the garden weaving in the ends of Agnes and starting Norby.  A full sized bulldozer has taken up residence in the yard next door and has been noisily (that's an understatement) tearing down a garage, deck and addition.  The poor chickens are stressed out and the constant banging, pounding and screeching is wearing on all of our nerves.  But, I took full advantage of the construction crew lunch hour and enjoyed a blissfully quiet hour outside.  Now they're back at it so I'm heading into the studio and cranking up the tunes.  I have two new bee paintings in the works and hope to share them Monday.  Have a lovely weekend and enjoy a little quiet for me if you get the chance : )

ps:  the brooklyn tweed color card is so gorgeous that  i may need to knit up 2 or 3 norbies!


Janice La Verne said...

Wish you could come hang out at my new studio. It's very calm and if you get hungry there is an Indian resturaunt below! Your garden looks so pretty...

artslice said...

What a lovely, secret sanctuary you have! I'm excited to see the sweaters... I've been making socks again. Very relaxing. Looking forward to seeing your new paintings.