Tuesday, November 8, 2011

In between dreams

in between dreams
6" x 22"

(a closer peek at in between dreams)

You know that time of the night in between dreams when rogue thoughts randomly appear and interrupt your slumber? This piece is kind of about that chain of events which changes the course of your thinking ever so slightly but just enough to matter. This is about those visual or verbal morsels which hang over your dreams like a cloud waiting for a break in the action to make an appearance. They can come from your something you saw, something you heard, something you meant to do. They can be from just yesterday afternoon or from your childhood. But, they are like a string to unravel and follow, a key to what you know to be true, a treasure waiting to be discovered.


the nest said...

oh, i love this one and its interpretation!

tangled sky studio said...

: )

Sarah Grossberg said...

I completely love this piece. Is this a part of a series or does it stand alone? Also, is it really 6"x22" I was thinking maybe 16"x22" ?

tangled sky studio said...

sarah-the 6x22 painting is the top photo with three detailed photos under that. i love the way they work as a whole too! i think i better change the photo...

Carole Reid said...

I know that place but never could have explained it as well as you have done here.