Friday, December 19, 2014

Winter white...


Wild Hare No.4

Emotional Block No. 27
(that's just what i was thinking)

I think this is my winter palette.  I have a few other pieces in the works that share the same winter white vibe with small pops of color.  It's funny how shifts in the seasons and  in the landscape find their way into my work when I'm not paying attention.  It's like I'm working, working, working and then when I look at what I've created I see a connection, a story, a vibe that reflects what's going on inside and outside my window.  That's a good thing.  That's the thing that makes a piece worker not work. Makes it believable or proves it to to be too forced or contrived.  I guess that's why I like to work on a few pieces at once, so they can jostle for attention, give and take from each other and find where they fit in.  The little blocks of wood are not too different from all of us trying to find ourselves, be ourselves and all the time absorbing and reflecting all that is around us. 

Wishing you a weekend filled with warmth, joy and togetherness.

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