Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Slow art...

This is the third oil painting I have in the works and while I would love to finish them up, they are all asking for more time.  I am still feeling very attached to all three pieces which is how I know they are not quite ready to be completed.  As I work through a painting, I usually reach a point where it starts to come together and begins to make sense to me. It is important for me to allow a piece to fully form and find a voice during this time so that it can stand on it's own.  In a way it is like the painting is growing up and becoming an independent piece that is a part of me yet completely it's own thing in the end.  By the time I work through what a painting wants to say I almost always feel ready to let it go and these guys, well, they are just not there yet, so I am trying to be patient with myself and to embrace a bit of slow art.  


wandamarie.blogspot.com said...

so special and I know these feelings...;)

tangled sky studio said...

thanks wanda...patience is the virtue i struggle with most of all.