Wednesday, September 26, 2012

In the studio this morning...

watson & new work

In the studio this morning there is Watson and new work which are both coming along nicely.  Watson has been with us almost three months and has really settled in and come out of his shell.  He is such a sweet little guy and is proving to be quite a character.  He will be a work in progress for a long time to come but we are his peeps now and he trusts and loves us and we all adore him.  My new work is all about trees, rainbows, luck and magic and instead of finishing each piece I keep starting new ones!  Pretty soon I will have an entire forest of magical resting places to sit and think about what is and what will be.  These are questions filling my head these days and let's just say I need a little luck and magic!  I'm heading to Michigan (on my own) for a few days to help my Mom out and will tell you all about it when I return.  Wishing you a lucky week and a magical weekend : )


Janice La Verne said...

Hi Beth, I'm catching up! on everything it seems and it's fun catching up with my fave blog people. For the record that is the cutest dog I have ever seen. And the painting with the dark background is my all time favorite of any you have done. It's stunning and emotional and interesting. I love watching our art evolutions. Janice

Leililaloo said...

Hi dear overseas friend, i have been thinking a lot about you lately, just haven’t been able to come over here to tell you, due to some health problems of my own. I see you do great new work and i whish you lots of luck and magic on your trip to your mom!...

Kasha Rolley said...

Not sure what I love more -Watson or the new work. LOL

Celeste said...

He is so cute. What type is he?

tangled sky studio said...

Watson is a Lakeland Terrier that we adopted through a terrier rescue group here in the mid-west : )

artslice said...

He's such a fuzzy little cutie! Can't wait to see the new paintings!