Tuesday, March 29, 2011

hello friend.

Well it was bound to happen sooner or later: major food blog crush. I know, I know you would think that with my crazy mad love of food and cooking it would have happened long ago. But in an effort to maintain studio time, parenting time and partner time I held off. I tried to only check in on fellow artists and a few friends and limit my lists of blogs to follow. In a sense I guess I was protecting my time from being sucked away by all the yummy goodness I know exists out there. I've followed a link here or there to get a recipe but for the most part I've stuck to my cookbooks, Epicurious and Bon Appetite (i still miss you gourmet). But in my crazy home-for-sale-not-sure-what-comes-next state of continuous distraction I stumbled upon 101 cookbooks and now there's no turning back. There is so much real food awesomeness out there!
So do have a favorite food blog I should check out?

ps: tonight I'm whipping up these with a pot of Rancho Gordo Rio Zapo Beans "cowboy style"


the nest said...

hey, you! i think we visit the same food blogs: 101 cookbooks, orangette, she's in the kitchen, and smitten kitchen. that's my list; that is until you-of-ever-good-taste introduces me to some new ones! :)

house down the road for sale... just sayin'! ;)

Janice La Verne said...

hi Beth,
Thanks for checking in with me... I am trying to "wake up" but it has been raining in Oregon for weeks now. It's grey and everyone has cabin fever.
I'm painting in fits and starts. I think I'm going through a growth spurt because things are not coming easily.
Your blog is like a big, delicious bowl of coconut ice cream. It cheers me.